
Jamen tries to shoot a touching video about his dad but is interrupted by a live band that is playing across the street. The lead singer is a real yeller!

During the making of this documentary there have been many serious moments that are thrown off by life. At the time they can be frustrating but looking back they are some of the funniest moments a lot of the time.

We shot an interview at Basecamp and High Horse Dinette in Burbank, CA. We were at the outdoor dining area filming and right next to us was a little wooden gate to a patio area. Every time the waitress went through it the hinges squeaked loudly and it seemed every time we started rolling is when the waitress did the most back-and-forth trips. It was super annoying at the time but is now something we remember and laugh at more than anything else. One of us can simply make the squeaking noise and we’ll all start laughing!